In the heart of France, a lush garden party wedding begins to unfold. This couple embarked on a journey of love and tradition. Their decision to exchange vows at the family property was not just a matter of convenience but a deliberate choice. Because it would honor familial ties and carry on a cherished tradition, this location was a clear choice! With all three of the bride’s siblings having celebrated their weddings at home, the setting held a special significance, weaving together the threads of their heritage.
The bride, hailing from Greece, and the groom a proud Frenchman residing in Switzerland, found love in the vibrant corridors of Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Their multicultural background laid the foundation for a wedding celebration that transcended borders. Consequently, guests from Paris, the US, and beyond came to partake in their joyous union – all expertly photography by Maddy Christina.
The couple envisioned a grand affair—a garden party of epic proportions complete with a civil ceremony and a sumptuous family lunch preceding the festivities. Children frolicked amidst the endless entertainment we thoughtfully arranged, infusing the atmosphere with youthful exuberance!
Drawing inspiration from their diverse backgrounds, the wedding décor was a tapestry of cultural influences. Each corner of the venue represented a facet of their lives. From the vibrant streets of Greece to the historic landmarks of Washington, DC, and the scenic landscapes of Switzerland and France. Therefore, guests embarked on a culinary journey, indulging in Greek delicacies, American classics, and European delights.
The centerpiece of the celebration was the magnificent glass house, seamlessly integrated into the verdant surroundings. Designed to reflect the couple’s heritage, the structure embodied the essence of their love story. Hand-painted mural walls adorned with intricate designs narrated their journey, inviting guests to immerse themselves in the tale of their love story.
A highlight of the evening was a captivating flash mob, meticulously choreographed and executed with precision. With the guidance of professional dancers and the participation of enthusiastic guests, the performance unfolded seamlessly.
Above all, the night unfolded, laughter echoed amidst the gardens, and hearts brimmed with joy. This wedding was not just a union of two souls but a celebration of love and tradition. In the embrace of family and friends, amidst the beauty of France, their love story found its perfect beginning, promising a lifetime of happiness and adventure together.